This is the website and contact information for VRON Palm Springs. There are affiliated VRONs in other areas outside of Palm Springs. Please do not contact us if your inquiry is not related to Palm Springs. Contact information for other cities is below the line.
For media, general information or website questions or issues, please e-mail [email protected]
Note: If you are an existing VRON member, we recommend that you contact us from the same email account that you used when you joined/renewed your membership.
Address: 611 S Palm Canyon Drive, #7-120, Palm Springs CA 92264
You can also call us at: 760-790-4280
There are other VRONs each with their own Board of Directors. These are standalone organizations. Affiliated VRONs:
VRON-CC: Cathedral City. Click here.
VRON-LQ: La Quinta. Click here.
VRON-PD: Palm Desert. Click here.
VRON-RM: Rancho Mirage. Click here.
VRON-RC: Riverside County (unincorporated areas of the county outside of incorporated cities). Includes Temecula, Wine Country, Bermuda Dunes, Idyllwild, etc. Click here.